Homeowners are just as responsible for maintaining their asphalt shingle roofs. Visual inspections, keeping up with maintenance appointments — these are key tasks that only you, the homeowner, can do. In today’s post, the local roofing and contractors at Triangle Home Exteriors helps ensure the success of your roofing maintenance tasks by sharing these four maintenance mistakes you need to avoid.

- Neglecting roofing inspections. Visual inspections are left to homeowners because they can be done at convenience, and doesn’t require an appointment with a roofing professional. All one would need is a pair of binoculars and a notebook, or a remote-controlled drone that can record video. Inspections are intended to keep an eye for signs of wear and possible damage, and is ideally done at least once every season, and after every storm.
- Ignoring signs of wear and damage. If you find signs of wear and damage on your roof, the next step is to have your roofer fix them as soon as possible. The associated cost may sound discouraging, but your roof is constantly exposed to the elements. Ignoring even the smallest signs of wear and damage will just make them worse, and will cost more to fix.
- Improperly cleaning the roof. Roofs need to be cleaned properly, otherwise you might cause it more harm than good. You’ve probably seen roof cleaning “tips” and “hacks” that recommend using pressure washers, bleach or other harsh chemicals. But what they do is they strip the outer layer of granules on asphalt shingles and expose the underlying layers to UV damage. For best results, just hire a roof cleaning professional.
- Doing your own repairs. Another thing that should be left to professionals is roof repair. DIY repairs typically result in incomplete repairs and being unable to find shingles that match the rest of the roof, making the repair work look obvious. If your roof is still under warranty, DIY repairs may end up voiding your coverage. There’s also the matter of safety — roofing professionals have the safety equipment and training to reduce safety risks.
Ultimately, working with professional roofers like Triangle Home Exteriors can help reduce the risks of dealing with problems caused by poor maintenance. Learn more about what we can do to help maintain your roof by calling us at (919) 615-1101. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation. We serve Cary, NC, and the surrounding communities.