Exterior remodeling or renovation, like siding and roof replacement, requires a good deal of preparation in order to make the process easier, as well as reduce potential delays and safety hazards. In today’s post, Triangle Home Exteriors shares a quick guide to preparing your home for your upcoming siding installation.

Familiarize Yourself With the Process
While you, the homeowner, are not expected to install your own siding, some knowledge of the process can be helpful when making your preparations. For example, the siding installers will first need to remove the old siding before installation can begin. Therefore, you’ll need to plan for space where the old siding will be temporarily stored, away from the work areas. Make it a point to ask your siding contractor to walk you through their process during your initial consultation.
Clear the Area Around Your Home
It’s likely that your siding contractors have already asked you to do this, but if not, the first thing you need to do is clear the areas where the siding will be replaced. Remove patio furniture, yard equipment and loose objects like toys and put them in storage. Keep foot traffic in a small area by clearing a path. You’ll also need to clear a space for dumpsters and, of course, installation materials, including new siding.
Cover Fixed Objects
Your yard may have landscaping and hardscaping, as well as fixed equipment like air conditioners. Since moving them is not an option, you’ll need to cover them with tarp or some other kind of durable protective covering. Ask your siding contractor during your initial consultation if they will provide such materials. If not, you may need to obtain and install them yourself.
Notify Your Neighbors
Siding installation is going to be noisy. Give your immediate neighbors a heads-up a few days before installation day. It may be unavoidable, but they’ll be able to plan around it. Let them know how many days the project will take to complete. This small courtesy can go a long way, especially when it’s your neighbors’ turn to have some exterior renovations done.
Triangle Home Exteriors is one of the most trusted home exterior remodeling companies serving communities in Raleigh, NC. Give us a call at (919) 615-1101, or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.